Phase 1: Private Memberships Setting

Phase 2: Members only tickets

Phase 3: Code Sharing (December) Private access tickets

(Camp has requested this)

Add Setting on ticket:

Originally, I had envisioned doing this using Memberships. How? When creating a members only ticket, there is an option to generate a code for each member.

  1. Camp members, when logged out, see:

    “Are you a member of CAMP? Log in to access exclusive benefits for this event.”

  2. They log in, and if valid their membership exists: They see the benefits. In this case: members only tickets assigned to their tier.

  3. Under the ticket, there is a message.

    1. “3 tickets available. Share your unique referral code with friends: 239847u383 (random code).

Alternatively though, maybe memberships is not the right path. Alternatively, we can create a private invite list. This could be a property of the “Promote” or “Marketing” tab.

The organizer, can invite people, either by uploading a list of people or one by one. Invitees get an email with a link to access a limited number of tickets under that link.

Something to the effect of: